Fremont Open Plan maintains a strong, interested parent community who have organized themselves into the Parent Advisory Group. PAG is primarily responsible for the school’s support system. The many programs, volunteers, materials, field trips and a host of other educational opportunities are directly and indirectly supported by PAG through its many active communities.
PAG meets once per month: location and time TBD. All FOP parents and guardians are encouraged to attend. You can contact all of the committee members by emailing pag@fremontopenplan.com.
2024/25 PAG Executive Committee Members
PAG Agendas
Email foppagsecretary@gmail.com
Parent participation on committees is what makes all our great activities possible at FOP! Please volunteer! Contact either the PAG Chair or Vice Chair.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Kate Trompetter
Erica Flaherty
Support and encourage ongoing learning about ways in which our community can lift up inclusivity, and fairness, and promote diverse representation and experiences on campus and beyond. Our work is to create partnerships and opportunities throughout the FOP community to learn and grow together in service to the FOP mission. We do that through learning circles, book reads, events, and other kinds of ongoing support for teachers and all others in our FOP community.
Jessie Klinker
Lead coordinates with teachers to support special garden projects and organizes participation to maintain gardens throughout the year. Garden committee works in coordination with Maintenance committee to paint benches and tables as needed, troubleshoot irrigation, and maintain corporate sponsorship. Time commitment can be around 2-3 hours per month.
Marketing & Social Media
Develops marketing, community outreach and social media strategies to educate potential families about FOP. Time commitment can be around 1 hour per week.
Parent Education
Betty Gay
The Parent Education Committee is one of the many standing committees listed in the FOP bylaws. This committee is responsible for planning and running a series of brief informational meetings for new FOP families throughout the year. These meetings should inform new FOP families about school culture and traditions as well as provide a forum for questions on these topics to be answered. The time and place of the meetings can happen at any time throughout the year and have no prescribed frequency or duration.
6th Grade Farewell Ceremony
Works with Upper Department teachers to organize this event which is on the last day of school. Helps to buy decorations and food. Upper Department classrooms are decorated the day before the event and food is purchased on the day of the event. This is coordinated by 5th grade parents. Time commitment can be around 5-10 hours for the school year.
Spring Production
Melissa Battle
Coordinate and promote a bi-annual musical or dramatic production. Develop theme, script and set design. Schedule and conduct rehearsals as needed. Time commitment is from February- May. Support: Support the lead as needed with rehearsals, prop making and costume sewing. Time commitment is approximately 2-3 hours per week during the months of production. SPRING PRODUCTION IS A BIENNIAL EVENT AND WILL RESUME IN THE 2024/2025 SCHOOL YEAR.
Katelynn Galarneau-Lyons & Melinda Murray-Yegiyants
Organize social events such as the Welcome Back Picnic and the Farewell Picnic for FOP families to interact and build the FOP community. Time commitment for lead is approximately 20 hours. Time commitment for support is around 5-10 hours per school year.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Esther Riggs
Join together with the Fremont School PTO and organize a lunch party for all Fremont teachers. Organize catering, buy decorations for the staff room and deliver the meal to the teachers on the day of the event. Join together with the Fremont School PTO and organize a lunch party for all Fremont teachers. Organize catering, buy decorations for the staff room and deliver the meal to the teachers on the day of the event. Time commitment is in May for 6 hours.
Vanessa Vovk
Megan Devlin
Schedule and lead site tours for prospective families. Participate in local Kindergarten information events. Time Commitment is December- February for a total of 20-25 hours.
Betty Gay
Megan Parravano
Maintain and update the website as necessary. Collaborate with teachers, PAG Executive Committee and other committees. Time commitment can be around 1 hour per month.
Buddy Family
Shy Lloyd
Pair up new FOP families with more experienced families to show them the ropes and provide information and insight on FOP events, traditions, and history. Time commitment is around 10-15 hours per school year.
Celebration of Lights
Sondra Louis
Organize participation in the City of Modesto's Celebration of Lights parade in December. This committee will build a float and participate in the parade. Lots of help is needed to build the float, usually the day before the event. Time commitment for leads is around 20 hours.
Laurie McKinnie
Compile and create an annual directory of FOP families at the beginning of every school year. Use class lists to verify previous year's contact information and to add new families. Time Commitment is 25 hours.
Remind Texts
Andrea Doud
Sends out information via the Remind application to FOP families.
Erica Flaherty
Oversee PAG Executive committee elections by seeking nominations from the general membership. Election process starts in February and concludes in April. Time Commitment is approximately 8 hours per school year.
Danielle Lawrence
Assist the PAG treasurer to help promote and collect our Open Plan fund drive. Time Commitment is around 10-15 hours throughout the school year.
FOP Biennial Fundraiser
Katelynn Galarneau-Lyons
Matt Martino
Event Directors organize a school-wide fundraiser, every other year, to raise funds for a specific need within FOP. Create event night theme and establish and collaborate with all crew leads. Crew leads- obtain permits, graphic design, ad sales/event program, printing, decorations, photo booth, food, beverage and dessert coordinators, entertainment, ticket sales, silent auction, outside donation solicitations, cashiers and clean up. Time Commitment is approximately 2-3 hours per day for 3-4 months. BIENNIAL FUNDRAISER IS A BIENNIAL EVENT AND WILL RESUME IN THE 2025/2026 SCHOOL YEAR.
Sarah Ford
Organize and process two fundraisers per year. FOP families can use the money that they make to go towards paying for their fund drive. Collaborates with the PAG Treasurer. Time Commitment is setting up one fundraiser in the fall and one in the spring or both in the fall for a total of 15 hours per school year.
Anthony Guzman
Upkeep FOP grounds like the stage, backpack hooks, sprinkler system etc. The lead needs to communicate with teachers and look for projects that need updated. Time commitment is around 20 hours per school year.
Memory Books
Upper: TBD
Middle: TBD
Primary: TBD
Kinder: TBD
Leads- Collaborate with teachers to coordinate, promote and create an annual department memory book. Collect and organize photos, do the book layout and set up printing. Teachers will collect student work. Time Commitment is 3-4 hours per month.
Memory Book Photographers
Share your photos from field trips and school events with your department memory book chair. We are all part of this team!
Memory Book Support
Angelica Ruiz Mate
Help put the books together and assist the lead as needed. Time Commitment is 5-10 hours the last 1-2 weeks of school.
Mini Courses
Emily Malsam
Plan a half day mini course for our FOP students. Solicit parents to run the courses, place students in the course and make room arrangements. Time Commitment is 15-20 for lead and 4-6 for support. The event will be April 26, 2024.
David Rogers
Perform at the annual Peace Assembly and Theater Production as needed. Time commitment is 5-10 hours per year.
Tess Colby
Promote and coordinate sales of Open Plan logo t-shirts and other items. Time commitment is 15+ hours, twice a year.
Tie-Dye Newsletter
Dana Koster
Produce our monthly Tie-Dye newsletter for the Tuesday folder that outlines upcoming events, important dates and information. This information is collected from teachers and parents for publication. Time Commitment is 3 hours per month.
​Fall Walk
Jessica Elkins
Mita Garcia
Rebecca Martino
Fall Walk Committee is responsible for planning the Fall Walk, which is a school wide field trip held in the Fall of each year. Planning for the event begins in the Spring of the previous school year. The committee is responsible for selecting a location and date as well as providing learning stations. This may involve reaching out to members of the community as well as past or present FOP parents. In addition, the committee is responsible for implementation and organization of all plans the day of the event.
Recognize FOP families and staff in times of illness and sorrow. Mail cards and provide small gestures like cooking a meal or delivering flowers. Time commitment is year round and number of hours depends from year to year. Usually no more than 10 hours per year.