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Make Fund Drive and Other Contributions Online:

 Project & experience based learning 
 Immersive learning outside the classroom 
 Whole child education 
 Parent Participation 
 Cross age partnering 

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year
will begin in January of 2025
Click here to learn about enrollment.

Open Education is founded on the work of John Dewey and Jean Piaget. Their work supports the belief that children have a fundamental desire to learn, that learning is constructed from experience, and that children have the capacity to conduct their own inquiries.


Open education recognizes that children learn by asking questions, investigating answers, and revising hypotheses in a continuous process of building understanding.  Activities are structured to provide hands-on experiences that allow children to construct knowledge, individually and in small groups, at their own rate of learning.  By learning to make decisions about how to work productively and to set goals for that work, students are both cognitively and emotionally engaged in their learning.

Fremont Open Plan is a parent-participation elementary school program within the Modesto City School District. It was founded in 1976 by parents looking for a school that stressed self-esteem and active parent and child involvement.


FOP operates as a separate program in nine classrooms at John C. Fremont elementary school. The classroom environments at Open Plan are multi-age settings that encourage cooperative learning and social responsibility.

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